

National Fire Incident Reporting System App

Our NFIRS reporting software integrates in real time with the agency responsible for collecting National Fire Incident Reporting System data in your state. It compiles all the necessary information for fast and correct reporting. The submission of properly and accurately completed reports to NFIRS has never been easier.


  • Quick and easy data entry
  • Submit your reports with the touch of a button
  • Easily identify fields that need to be completed

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NFIRS Fire Reporting Software FAQ:

What is NFIRS fire reporting software?

National Fire Incident Reporting System (currently at NFIRS 5.0) is the national standard for fire incident reporting. NFIRS captures all fire department responses (which includes medical, hazmat, rescue and others, but is primarily fire focused) and allows for data-based decision making. This vital information permits continuous improvement of local fire services.

Can I import data from my old record keeping system?

You can import previous data from legacy reporting systems directly into the latest NFIRS systems.

How do I start using NFIRS 5.0 Reporting?

Generally, using the NFIRS Reporting is easy and requires basic information about the incident including the date and time of the fire, the location and cause of the fire as well as any resulting damage. Information regarding injuries or fatalities.

How easy is it to upgrade the program once it is installed?

Upgrades are automatically performed when shopping for NFIRS software from a reputable vendor.

What are the hardware requirements for NFIRS software?

The system required to run NFIRS Reporting is fairly common. A 1 GHz CPU with 512 MB of RAM, equipped with at least a 20 GB hard drive will be needed. This system should be running Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, or Windows 10.

What can NFIRS software do for my department?

Fire departments use NFIRS to track and manage apparatus, personnel and casualty information, document the entire gamut of department activity, Th NFIRS can also assist in justifying budgets using summary and statistical data.

Other Available Modules

Bulletin Board App

Mobile Responder System and Paging App

Run Sheet Printer App

Dispatch App

Mobile Data Terminal App

Member Call-In App

Finger Reader App

Roster and Attendance App

National Fire Incident Reporting System App

Voter Validation App

Inventory Maintenance App

Fund Drive App

County Interface App

GPS Mapping App

Inspection App

Department Voting App

District Board App

Get Started

Our fire department software provides a robust, user-friendly solution that enhances operations, promotes efficiency and contributes to better emergency response. Includes 24/7 support.

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Fire Rescue Systems